At Smaty Yuppies, we prioritize delivering exceptional website development services and ensuring a smooth experience for our clients. This Shipping Policy outlines our procedures related to the delivery and distribution of digital assets and other deliverables associated with our services. Please read this policy carefully before engaging with our services.

  1. Digital Asset Delivery

1.1 Delivery Method

The majority of our deliverables are digital assets, which will be delivered electronically.
You will receive an email notification or a secure download link to access the deliverables.
1.2 Delivery Time

The delivery time for digital assets varies depending on the project scope and the specific services requested.
Our team will provide an estimated delivery timeline at the outset of the project.

  1. Project Completion and Delivery

2.1 Completion Notification

Upon project completion, we will notify you through email or other agreed-upon communication channels.
2.2 Client Review and Acceptance

You will have the opportunity to review the final deliverables.
After your review, please promptly communicate your acceptance or request any necessary revisions.
2.3 Revision Requests

If revisions are needed, please submit them according to the terms outlined in your project contract.
We will work with you to make the necessary adjustments to meet your requirements.

  1. Distribution of Physical Materials (if applicable)

3.1 Shipping Method

In some cases, physical materials such as promotional items, print materials, or documentation may be part of our deliverables.
These materials will be shipped to the provided shipping address via a reputable carrier.
3.2 Shipping Costs

Shipping costs are typically covered by the client, unless otherwise specified in the project contract.

  1. Client Responsibilities

4.1 Providing Accurate Information

It is essential that you provide accurate contact information, including email addresses and shipping addresses, to ensure the successful delivery of digital assets and physical materials (if applicable).
4.2 Timely Response

Timely response to our communications, including acceptance or revision requests, is crucial for project completion and on-time delivery.

  1. Customer Support

If you have any questions or concerns related to the delivery of your project or this Shipping Policy, please contact our customer support team at [Customer Support Email].

  1. Changes to this Shipping Policy

Smaty Yuppies reserves the right to amend this Shipping Policy at any time. Any changes to this policy will be posted on our website with the revised effective date.

By engaging our website development services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this Shipping Policy.

Thank you for choosing Smaty Yuppies for your website development needs. We are dedicated to delivering outstanding results and ensuring the efficient and reliable delivery of our services.

Smaty Yuppies